MIBrew Efforts to Reduce Waste

| Posted in: Michigan News
MIBrew Efforts to Reduce Waste
As you all know, running this homebrew shop is Nicole's dream & always has been.
What most of you probably don't know, is that her other dream job is to be an ocean garbageman.
Yes, you read that right - picking trash out of the ocean is her other dream job!

But homebrewing is near and dear to her heart (& Matt's) and the shop's not going anywhere. 
So while we're not picking trash out of the ocean (yet), we're doing everything else that we can to make sure trash doesn't end up there in the first place.

Did you know that if you bring in your own bucket or bag for grain, you get a 5% discount on that order?
**We even offer solid lids so that you can keep your grain airtight until brew day!
Did you know that each one of our incredibly soft t-shirts is made with 50% recycled water bottles? That's about 6 plastic water bottles per shirt.
How about the fact that nearly half (or more) of our shipping materials are reused?
You'll never find us bagging in plastic. While we do use paper bags, most of them are recycled material which can - and should - be recycled again when you're done.
Did you know that you can receive a credit of $0.50 for each extract kit box you return?
Last but not least, we can count on one hand the number of times we've purchased garbage bags. How? We reuse emptied bulk grain bags instead!

Matt & Nicole have even personally led, and participated in, many trash cleanup events in our local communities. 

And we're always looking for more ways to be sustainable & responsible. If have suggestions for us, please email us at info@mibrewsupply.com. 
If you would like to participate in a cleanup event, or would like to collaborate on an event, we'd love to hear about that too!


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