Recipe Name: One Gallon Kit - Hefeweizen URL: Type: Extract Style: Weissbier (Hefeweizen) Notes: A pale, spicy, fruity, refreshing wheat ale. Hefewiezen beers, also called weizen or weissbier, are known for both aroma and flavor of clove and banana. The texture of wheat imparts the sensation of a fluffy, creamy fullness that may progress to a light, spritzy finish aided by high carbonation. A very thick, moussy, long-lasting white head is also characteristic of this style. Batch Size: 1.00 Gallons Boil Length: 60 Minutes OG: 1.043 FG: 1.010 ABV: 4.3% IBU: 8 SRM: 3 Fermentables ------------ 1.00lb Wheat Dry Malt Extract (US) - Boil Hops ---- 0.25oz Hallertau - Boil - 30 Minute(s) (8.09 IBU) Yeast ----- Lallemand Munich Classic Wheat Dry Beer Yeast