Recipe Name: The Reboot (my Clone Of Abita Brewings The Boot) URL: Type: All Grain Style: Clone Beer Notes: While in New Orleans this past spring, I ran across and enjoyed this beer made only for sale in Louisiana. I liked it so much, that I began a mission to try and replicate it when I got home. With the help of some Louisiana homebrewers, who gifted me a few bottles to use as my control, I took to the brew kettle and fermenter. I brew BIAB, and this is more a hybrid beer than it is a kolsch. I mash with 7.5 gallons and sparge with the remaining 2 gals that total mash volume calls for. My brewhouse efficiency is 72%. For simplicity, the hops equals 10 grams. I use Wyeast Kolsch 2565 for this brew. I use a starter, and cool the wort to 65F, pitch and let it rise back to 68F and hold there for 3 weeks. I secondary and lager at 35F for another 4 weeks. I bring it back up to room temperature for a day and then prime (2.7 vol) and bottle. Bottle conditioning for about 14 days seems to be about right. I use RO water and my water additions for the 9.5 gals are : 2.6 g Gypsum, 1.5 g Epsom Salt, 1 g Kosher Salt, and 5.7 g of Calcium Chloride. Here is the link to the original, The Boot by Abita Brewing Enjoy! Batch Size: 5.50 Gallons Boil Length: 90 Minutes OG: 1.049 FG: 1.012 ABV: 4.9% IBU: 14 SRM: 5 Fermentables ------------ 84.40oz Pilsen / Pilsner (DE) - Mash 50.00oz White Wheat (US) - Mash 26.20oz Flaked Oat (US) - Mash 19.70oz Caramel/Crystal 10L (US) - Mash 4.00oz Acidulated (DE) - Mash Hops ---- 0.35oz Hallertau Blanc - Boil - 60 Minute(s) (13.83 IBU) Yeast ----- Wyeast 2565 Kolsch Liquid Yeast Other ----- Mash Schedule ------------- 154F for 90 Minutes 170F for 10 Minutes Fermentation Schedule --------------------- 68F for 21 Day(s) 35F for 28 Day(s) 70F for 14 Day(s)