3.49 Gallons
4.96 Gallons
7 Gallons
4.8 Gallons
160 F
180 F
5.8 Gallons
68 F
Brewed with my brother to comemerate his trip to Michigan after us being here 4.5 years! Added 1 tsp of gypsum and 0.4 tsp of calcium chloride to the water. pre boil gravity = 1.040. Pre boil gravity was 88% of expected, likely due to batch sparge method. should remember to increase grain bill to compensate.
Estimated from 7.8 brix refractometer reading. Will add more yeast to restart fermentation
Estimated from 7.8 brix again
Added 11 g of more yeast to try and drive down gravity.
Added dry hop charge
hops and secondary fermentation finally stopped and began to settle. ABV=4.7%
transferred to keg, added 1/2 tsp in 150 F water (1/4 cup) and placed in 43 F keggerator
Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply