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Recipe by algoan American Porter All Grain 5.00 Gallon Batch 60 Minute Boil 75% Efficiency Created 5/16/2018 Updated 7/15/2024 4.00 0 Brew Log Comments


Date Score Review User
05/16/2018 4:24 PM
Updated: 05/16/2018 8:24 PM
Did a blind side-by-side with a can of DBC. Visually you could not tell them apart. The flavor was very close, but the cocoa was slightly more prominent in the homebrew, while the coconut came through a tiny bit more in the commercial version. It is also likely that the commercial being canned and mine being on draft may have also contributed to the slight taste difference. Otherwise, I will most definitely brew this one again! algoan

Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply