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Recipe by shamilton2 Munich Dunkel All Grain 5.50 Gallon Batch 90 Minute Boil 90% Efficiency Created 7/25/2021 Updated 11/9/2021 No Reviews 0 Brew Log Comments














Amount Fermentable Use %
7.00 lb Bonlander Munich 10L (US) Mash 60.87%
2.50 lb Pilsen / Pilsner (US) Mash 21.74%
0.75 lb Carapils (US) Mash 6.52%
0.50 lb Caramel/Crystal 60L (US) Mash 4.35%
0.50 lb Pale Chocolate Mash 4.35%
0.25 lb Biscuit (BE) Mash 2.17%


Amount Hop Use Time AA IBU
1.00 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh - Pellet Boil 60 Minute(s) 3.4% 11.36
1.25 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh - Pellet Boil 20 Minute(s) 3.4% 8.60
1.25 oz Hallertau Mittelfruh - Pellet Boil 10 Minute(s) 3.4% 5.15


Name Attenuation
White Labs WLP860 Munich Helles Liquid Yeast 68% - 72%

Mash Schedule

Temperature Time
131 F 30 Minutes
154 F 60 Minutes
170 F 15 Minutes

Fermentation Schedule

Temperature Time
48 F 7 Day(s)
38 F 8 Week(s)


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shamilton2 commented 3 years ago
Overall - you can definitely tell that first day gave it some esthers that are atypical to that style. It still turned out good, but it could've been great. NOTE: Lagered one for 6 weeks, the other almost 10. Again, the longer one was smoother, more refined, and overall better!

- Not dark enough... light amber --- could use double the Pale Chocolate malt (already changed, went from .25 lbs --> .50 lbs)
- Needs a bit more hop character... very malty --- so changed the 10 minute addition to add another .50 oz (.75 oz --> 1.00 oz) and the 20 minute addition to another another .25 oz (1.00 oz --> 1.25 oz)
Edited 2021-11-08 23:26:17
shamilton2 commented 3 years ago
Does this really need crystal 60 at all?
shamilton2 commented 3 years ago

Just kegged the first of the 10 gallons. Issue: The beer fridge literally broke during the first day of fermentation. So, it was fermenting ~72-76 degrees :(. Bought a new one, and less than 24 hours into fermentation it was back down to 50 degrees. Only fermented 2 days total though :(. We'll see.

OG: 1.061
FG: 1.014
Edited 2021-09-18 12:34:33
shamilton2 commented 4 years ago
1. Acid Rest @131 degrees for 15 minutes
2. Pull 1/3 of grain and perform decoction mash (raise temp 2 degrees per minutes until 154; sit for 15 minutes; increase 2 degrees per minute until light boil for 25-30 minutes)
3. Dump decoction back in to raise temp to 154 degrees
4. Mash at 154 for 60 minutes

Liquid Loss Calculation (Single Batch):
--> Desired Finishing Gallons = 5.5 Gallons
--> Beginning Mash 1.75 qt/lb = (11.25 *1.75) / 4 = 5 Gallons
--> Loss Calculation: 1.5 gallons lost to absorption, .5 lost to deadspace, 2.25 lost to 90 minute boil = Total Loss: 4.25 gallons
---> Sparge Needed: 4.75 Gallons

Liquid Loss Calculation (DOUBLE Batch):
--> Desired Finishing Gallons = 11 Gallons
--> Beginning Mash 1.75 qt/lb = (22.50 *1.75) / 4 = 10 Gallons
--> Loss Calculation: 3.0 gallons lost to absorption, .5 lost to deadspace, 2.25 lost to 90 minute boil = Total Loss: 5.75 gallons
---> Sparge Needed: 6.75 Gallons

Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply