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Recipe by shamilton2 American Amber Ale All Grain 5.50 Gallon Batch 60 Minute Boil 75% Efficiency Created 11/16/2023 Updated 11/17/2023 No Reviews 0 Brew Log Comments














Amount Fermentable Use %
6.00 lb 2-Row (US) Mash 47.06%
1.75 lb Bonlander Munich 10L (US) Mash 13.73%
1.00 lb Biscuit (BE) Mash 7.84%
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal 60L (US) Mash 7.84%
0.75 lb Caramel/Crystal 40L (US) Mash 5.88%
0.75 lb Dark Munich (DE) Mash 5.88%
0.75 lb Aromatic (BE) Mash 5.88%
0.75 lb Carapils (US) Mash 5.88%


Amount Hop Use Time AA IBU
0.20 oz Warrior - Pellet Boil 60 Minute(s) 16.0% 10.97
0.75 oz Willamette - Pellet Boil 15 Minute(s) 5.0% 6.38
0.75 oz Liberty - Pellet Boil 15 Minute(s) 4.0% 5.10
1.25 oz Willamette - Pellet Boil 5 Minute(s) 5.0% 4.27
1.25 oz Liberty - Pellet Boil 5 Minute(s) 4.0% 3.42


Name Attenuation
Wyeast 1056 American Ale Liquid Yeast 73% - 77%


Name Amount Use Time
Whirlfloc Tablet 1.00 each Boil 5 Minute(s)


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shamilton2 commented 9 months ago
Max did some dry hopping with citra which made this a lot better. But if you aren't going to do that, this one came off pretty bitter. My recommendation would be to lower the actual biddering amount by about five ibus. I know this will put it at Rock bottom for ibus for the category, but it just wasn't good being so bitter on the back end. I miss the maltiness.

It might be interesting to do maris otter vs 2 row. And the moved some (.25 oz) of the 15 minutes hops to the 5. Whatever you do lower bittering to get to 25 ibus
Edited 2024-05-02 20:10:15
shamilton2 commented 1 year ago
Mash: 155 Degrees

Ferment: 70 Degrees
shamilton2 commented 1 year ago
Tasting Notes from 2018:

"Aroma: Very mild pine/resinous aroma from hops with medium malt aroma

Color: Slightly Hazy

Flavor: Hop flavor does not come out other than earthy and bitter - I would describe the hop level as moderate (bitterness); malt profile seems less pronounced in this brew (the balance seems better, not skewed towards malt or hops) - seems to be moderate-low caramel sweetness with the finish being relatively dry (medium dry).

Other comments: This one seems to be bitter, which I think lends to the drier finish. The FG is still on the very high end - so mash temp seems to be correct.

I think that if you follow the recipe exactly, ESPECIALLY the bittering hop AA%, it should be ok. Again, not far off on bitterness, but definitely slightly too bitter for my taste."

Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply