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Recipe by shamilton2 Rye IPA All Grain 11.00 Gallon Batch 60 Minute Boil 75% Efficiency Created 4/29/2024 Updated 7/14/2024 No Reviews 314 Brew Logs Comments














Amount Fermentable Use %
13.50 lb 2-Row (US) Mash 42.86%
6.50 lb Red Wheat (US) Mash 20.63%
4.00 lb Rye (US) Mash 12.70%
2.00 lb Dark Munich (DE) Mash 6.35%
2.00 lb Rice Hulls (US) Mash 6.35%
1.50 lb Carapils (US) Mash 4.76%
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal 60L (US) Mash 3.17%
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal 80L (US) Mash 3.17%


Amount Hop Use Time AA IBU
0.10 oz Simcoe - Pellet Boil 60 Minute(s) 13.0% 1.97
0.25 oz Citra - Pellet Boil 60 Minute(s) 13.7% 5.18
0.75 oz Simcoe - Pellet Boil 20 Minute(s) 13.0% 8.93
0.75 oz Citra - Pellet Boil 20 Minute(s) 13.7% 9.41
0.75 oz Amarillo - Pellet Boil 20 Minute(s) 10.0% 6.87
1.25 oz Simcoe - Pellet Boil 10 Minute(s) 13.0% 8.91
2.00 oz Citra - Pellet Boil 10 Minute(s) 13.7% 15.02
2.00 oz Amarillo - Pellet Boil 10 Minute(s) 10.0% 10.96
2.25 oz Citra - Pellet Dry Hop 14 Day(s) 13.7% 0.00
2.25 oz Amarillo - Pellet Dry Hop 14 Day(s) 10.0% 0.00


Name Attenuation
Wyeast 1272 American Ale Yeast 72% - 76%


Name Amount Use Time
Whirlfloc Tablet 2.00 each Boil 5 Minute(s)


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shamilton2 commented 7 months ago
Changes Based on Tasting Notes:

- lowered rye by 1 pound and added to 2 row
- lowered wheat by 1.5 pounds and added to 2 row

- lowered Simcoe at 10 minutes by .25
- increased Amarillo and Citra at 10 minutes by 0.5 each
- removed Simcoe from dry hop and put .75 of it in Citra and .75 of it in Amarillo

This should all give a more pronounced hop flavor and less spice. Removing the earthiness from some of the Simcoe additions will also help direct attention away from the rye and bitterness
shamilton2 commented 7 months ago
Judging Notes:

- The judges said it was way too much rye (even though it was between the 15-20 percent recommended. Lowered to 14% rye (1 pound less) and increased 2-row to make up for the lost OG (1 pound)

- They didn't get a lot of "aroma" on the nose. Both recommended "more hops" --- if you were to do this, I'd recommend at the LAST hop additional + slightly more on the dry hop. You need to taste test to validate this BEFORE you change anything (nothing changed now).

- Scores: 26/50 (brewer from 105 W.) and 30/50 (BJCP cert judge).

- Stuart's Impression: We can lower the rye, but it is a RYE IPA... when it comes to flavor/aroma, it may be because they were tasting a beer straight out of the fridge, which probably affected the nose and taste. Other than that. I probably won't change much because most ppl say they really like it!
shamilton2 commented 8 months ago
OG : 1.064
FG: 1.011
ABV: 6.96

Final Volume: 10.25 Gallons

Efficiency was pretty crappy. Mash was super tight which may have been the problem (1.25 pounds per quart). Mash tun just didn't have the room
Edited 2024-06-17 20:56:34
shamilton2 commented 9 months ago
Shopping List:

Extra nice bag to hold hops for dry hops
Whirfloc Tablets
shamilton2 commented 9 months ago
Mash @ 154

Ferment @68-70 degrees
Edited 2024-04-29 23:34:27

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